Blood Moon Rising
Youkai Fire Fox

I couldn’t cut it as a poor man stealin’... - NickelBack

“Because you’ve… I mean…you’re a. . . .”


Nasuti and Shu instantly dropped themselves on a nearby sofa.

“Too bad Raphael is asleep in one of the guest bedrooms; he would’ve just about stab Seiji with a stake and pour holy water all over him.” Nasuti muttered in a quite voice.

Shu’s eyes took several seconds to adjust to the scene. “I don’t know weather I should behave modest and rational, act as though this is the coolest thing I ever heard or run away?” he stammered in bewilderment. Seiji’s tall figure turned and headed toward them. He took his place on the low coffee table, directly in front of Nasuti and Shu. Leaning forward he looked at them intently.

“Either or all three. I suggest starting with the quote of my disease being fascinating, then gently sift to rational behavior and ever so slowly run away.”

Nasuti’s eyes clung to him as she analyzed his reaction. “A little sarcastic are we? You happen to be in need of great help and you coldly turn your friends away.” She rose fluidly from her seat when she saw the penetrating look he shot her. “You lied……why? Did you think I would run off, screaming monster? Did you think I could not---would not believe you?” She continued firmly. “I asked of your condition on more than one occasion Date-san and you denied me the truth. Where does our friendship lie if you won’t even trust me……” she broke into a soft whisper. “Your friend.”

“Nasuti, I didn’t ask for your opinion. In fact, I did not even ask of your concern. So please, kindly forget this incident and leave me be with Shin and Shu.”

“Seiji! That is no way to treat Nasty and you know it. She is only trying to help. If it wasn’t for her we would have never known your predicament.” Shin boldly came to stand between them.

“I much would have preferred if she never called you in the first place. I’m now in a worst position.” Seiji shifted his gaze from Shin to her. “I will not lose my anger over this incident, so I beg you Nasty, leave us be and check on your dear friend.”

“I will do more than that. I will leave this house before I forget I am the elder.” Turning she walked away. Every time I try to help in matters other than looking up information, they reject me. They cannot even begin to imagine a mere girl actually knowing what to do. Beasts! She reached a small table in the hallway and clutched her keys that lay upon along with her purse. Turning on her heels, she strode to the door.

Someone’s harm extended forward, abruptly caught her elbow and swung her around before she could place her hand on the doorknob. “I said to check on Raphael, not leave the house.” The voice demanded. “You will not leave this house unless Shu, Shin or I can escort you. Even so, I would not permit it.”

Nasuti swallowed hard and squared her shoulders. “Why pry-tell am I not allowed to leave my house? If I can be of no help to you then I’d rather leave and assist at the University…… where I am appreciated.”

His mouth was set in annoyance. “Because……Jacqueline’s men would just love for you to walk into their hands. Do you know what will they do if they succeed in adducting you? Would you like me to elaborate Yaguy-san?”

“Holy-cow, you mean there are……vam……va- bloodsuckers outside? Waiting to attack us?” Shu exclaimed. He no longer sat bewildered on the couch and even managed to stand behind Seiji. Shin merely stared at him, tongue-tied to offer any questions. His gaze shifted toward Nasuti and motioned to walk forward in an attempt to separate Seiji’s hard hold on her; instead, he stood still and flinched towards his remark.

“No Shu, you and Shin are safe.” His mouth clenched tighter. “Nasuti and Raphael are a whole different story. Considering dear Jacque made it clear she would harm either, I feel a tad reluctant to let Nasty leave.” She stood motionless until Seiji pulled her along behind him. “Sit.” He ordered, motioning to the chair to her left. “Shin, Shu come and take a seat as well. This is along story and I have not the patience. I will say it once and never again.”


Seiji glanced around the room while he gathered his thoughts, absently noting that his friends stared dumbfounded at him.

“There has to be a way to stop her,” Nasuti blurted out after hearing Seiji’s tale of terror. She seemed much better--totally in charge of herself, and the situation. Shin walked from the kitchen where Nasuti had freshly started a pot of coffee and handed everyone a steaming cup. He perched himself on the edge of Shu’s chair. Shu absently set his hand on his back. The friendly gesture raised a curious eyebrow from Nasuti. Am I missing something here?

“How do you destroy what wishes to thrive? More important than that, how do you destroy what once was human and now is a powerful immortal. Unlike Arago who wished the world for his own, Jacque simply wishes for me.” Seiji told her. And to parish all I care for… “She neglects the stupidity Arago did, but not the lust nor sanity.” Seiji could not help to think of his own state of mind. What of me? Am I to believe that I am really the recreation of Gabriel? Will I too lose my sanity and become a heart of stone. I can already fill the change, the hardness, pain……hate.

“This still is hard for me to take in.” Shin sputtered, shaking his head. “Who would have imagined…?”

“Not you,” Shu reminded him. “I had to repeat everything Seiji said twice, just because you thought you heard him wrong.” He paused to think thoughtfully. “Why don’t you just find the chick around sun rise and drive a stake through her? Com’on dude, you had to have the opportunity…unless you have a problem with staking sexy chicks?” An embarrassed Shin delivered a smack across Shu’s hard head, reminding him to mind his dirty thoughts.

Seiji smirked at them. “It is never as simple as finding a powerful vampire sleeping by the crack of dawn, and quickly driving a stake though its heart. At least, from Nasuti’s finding on vampires and the information told by Jacque herself have made me believe such a task is impossible.”

“But vampires can be killed,” she said softly.

“Bram Stoker!” Shu said suddenly. “Everyone watches movies these days; they so seldom just read! Dracula is not killed with a stake at the end. They cut into his heart, and cut off his head.” He looked at Seiji and saw the odd speechless looks that fell upon everyone’s faces. “Com’on guys, I saw the movie then read the book. It cannot be that hard for you to believe. It’s not Shakespeare crap; its blood, naked chicks, horny dudes, and great fighting scenes.” Hearing his defense, everyone nodded in agreement. No, that would be normal literature for Shu.

“Thank you Shu for your delightful information.” Seiji rose from his feet, stretching his tight muscles. “There is nothing we can do at the moment but rest…we will need plenty of it if we wish to function properly.”

“Uh, what about Jacqueline’s men, they wouldn’t come in unexpectedly or anything? I would be very upset if anything should happen to this house. Vampire or no vampire, I personally will make anyone regret destroying my grandfather’s house” Shin, Shu and Seiji grimaced at Nasuti’s oath. They knew very well that she would bring hell on anyone who messed with the house of grandpa; they experienced it themselves.

“Unless you plan on inviting them in Nasty?” Seeing that Nasuti thought about asking another question Seiji continued. “It’s simple…without permission to enter ones house they can’t do anything but wait outside. It is impossible for them to control your mind and force you too allow them entry, so please do not worry and gather what sleep you can. I doubt that they’re even real vampires……probably only tainted.”

“Tainted?” Shin asked.

Seiji turned away without giving a reply. “Doesn’t matter right now Shin. I am exhausted, if I stay awake any longer,” he smirked deviously, “I might grow an appetite…”

Shu and Shin were the first to reach the stairs.

“Wait guys! Raphael is in your old room, you’ll have to take Ryo’s and he only had one bed... I’ll find some-“

“Don’t worry. One bed is enough.” Shu shoot a warning glance at Seiji as he stampeded towards the bedroom.

“One bed?....But it’s only a twin bed. How on earth can two perfectly grown men sleep together on one bed?” Disconcerted, she crossed her arms. Seiji could not control himself, her bafflement amused him, he threw back his head, and he let out a great peal of laughter. She shook her head. “What’s wrong with you?”

Seiji was able to handle his hysteria when he answered. “I..I……they are……oh god! You don’t know?”

“Know what?” she smiled at the mirth that spread across his face. There is our Seiji. Wondering where you have been hiding……

Smirking he patted her on the back. “I’ll tell you in time.” Smoothly he walked away from her and strode to the stairs, taking each step at a time. Without stopping, he called back to her. “Go check on your friend Nasty, and please, I beg you, sleep.” The sun was up. He could feel the strength draining from his body.


Holding his breath, he raised the stake, his gorge rising at the mere idea of what he was about to do. He was bringing the stake down when a hand closed around his forearm. The stake fell from a hand gone suddenly numb as Raphael stared down into the icicle eyes of Date Seiji. Raphael’s eyes blazed with unholy fire; his lips were drawn back in a feral snarl when he witnessed Seiji’s sharp white fangs.

“Did you think to kill me so easily?” Seiji asked as he tossed the stake aside. Raphael refused to speak. Cold sweat beaded his brow and trickled down his back as he stared at him. Seiji regarded Frontvilliers for a long while. “I’m not going to kill you,” he said, loosening his hold on Raphael’s throat.

Relief refreshed Raphael’s face only to replace his expression with horror. “If you do not desire to kill me sir, then what?”

A frustrated groan left Seiji’s lips. “Listen to me, Frontvilliers-san, listen very carefully. You and Nasuti’s lives are in danger.” He saw the accusation in Raphael’s eyes. “Not from me, but from another vampire.” He paused. “I expected you knew what I was?” From seeing his reluctant nod, he went on. “Your lives are in turmoil from a very old, very vindictive vampire.”

“I don’t understand?”

“There’s no reason you should. Suffice it to say that I’m afraid of her……”


Seiji nodded. “The female of the species is always more dangerous, more deadly. Jacque is vexed with me, and she intends to get even with me by hurting those I know, as innocent as they are. I can’t always protect you and Nasty twenty-four-seven.”

“What can I do against a vampire?”

“Jacque wouldn’t threat you personally. Nevertheless, she has been known to taint people to do her biding. They are not necessarily vampires……just a mere snack she likes to play with. And that, my friend, is where you come in. Watch over Nasuti…..she has a habit to do stubborn things and don’t be surprised if she runs off thinking she can be of some assistance.”

“I understand.” Raphael swallowed hard, trying to squirm free from Seiji’s ruff hold. With a sigh, Seiji released his hold on him. “Get out. And take your stake with you. You might have need of it.” Raphael scooped up the stake and was about to leave the room when Seiji inquired, a trace of fear was noticeable in his voice.

“What’s wrong with your neck? Why do you have it covered with a scarf?” Seiji was not sure if he should be amused or suspicious. He thought maybe Raphael tied the fabric because he was afraid he would bite him… Then again…

A shrieking scream echoed through the house. A sound only a woman would illuminate. Seiji glared at Fronvilliers and immediately lunched forward, tackling the older man to the ground. He tore the fabric away from his neck. He stared, completely surprised. Raphael could only smile with satisfaction.

Two identical puncture wounds! Kami-sama! He’s been tainted……

Seiji whirled around, grasping for the door. Raphael latched onto his waist, shoving him against the wall with a loud crack. Denying Seiji, his escape and withholding Nasuti’s rescue. Raphael’s tone was coolly disproving. “Too late.”



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